Went pass a florist on the way to dinner and couldn't resist stopping over to take a look at the stalks of different coloured hydrangeas displayed in the vase.
The last time I saw big balls of hydrangea was during my trip to UK in Sep 2012. The flowers were blooming from a bush and they were of different colours even though they were sprouting out from the same plant. And it was really lovely! How I wish I can have a hydrangea bush in my garden :) The potted ones I have in my garden have really small petals, like a mini version of the hydrangea.
Interestingly, I read that most species of the flowers are white, but some can be blue, red, pink, purple etc depending on the soil pH. An acidic soil will usually produce flower colour closer to blue while an alkaline soil will produce flowers that are more pink. Now I need to find out how to change the soil pH!
This was what I bought yesterday. And I think it looks so pretty in the can I bought from Plymouth :)) Totally vintage <3<3 Gonna brush up my painting skills and attempt to create this effect with clay soon.